Senin, 25 Februari 2013



Nama Sekolah           : SMP Negeri 1 Kalirejo
Mata Pelajaran          : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester        : VIII C/II
Petemuan Ke             : 1
Alokasi waktu            : 40 menit x 2

1.      Standar Kompetensi                  :Membaca       : Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

2.      Kompetensi Dasar                      :  Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima  yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount  dan narrative

3.      Indikator             :Membaca       : 
§  Menemukan topik teks recount
§  Menjawab pertanyaan dengan informasi tertentu dari teks bacaan
§  Menentukan benar salah suatu pernyataan berdasarkan teks recount.
§  Mengidentifikasi generic structure teks bacaan pada tempat yang benar dari teks bacaan
§  Menentukan  arti kata-kata sukar dari teks bacaan

4.      Tujuan Pembelajaran: Membaca           : 
§  Melalui kegiatan diskusi, demonstrasi dan penugasan siswa dapat menemukan topik teks recount
§  Melalui kegiatan diskusi demonstrasi dan penugasan siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan dengan informasi tertentu dari teks bacaan
§  Melalui kegiatan diskusi demonstrasi dan penugasan siswa dapat menentukan benar salah suatu pernyataan berdasarkan teks recount yang dibaca.
§  Melalui kegiatan diskusi demonstrasi dan penugasan siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure teks bacaan pada tempat yang benar dari teks recount yang dibaca
§  Melalui kegiatan diskusi demonstrasi dan penugasan siswa dapat menentukan  arti kata-kata sukar dari teks recount yang dibaca

5.      Nilai Karakter                            : Menghargai pendapat orang lain, bertanggung jawab, dan mandiri 

6.      Materi Pembelajaran: Membaca  : 
1.      Teks Recount (terlampir)
2.      Generic structure of recount : Orientation, event, reorientation (terlampir)

7.      Metode Pembelajaran : Diskusi, demonstrasi dan penugasan.

8.      Kegiatan Pembelajaran
a.      Eksplorasi :
Ø Orientasi                  : Guru menunjukkan sebuah gambar anak-anak yang sedang berlibur dikolam renang, lalu bertanya kepada siswa.
1)      “Have you ever gone to Grojogan sewu?”
2)      “Where is it?”
3)      “Did you go with your friends?”
4)      “Were you happy?”
Lalu guru menjelaskan sekilas tentang gambar yang ditunjukkan kepada siswa. “Well, I have a picture. It is about Ilham’s holiday. In this picture, Ilham was with his friends, Akmal and Bagas. They were swimming there. They were so happy”
Ø Apersepsi                : Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang materi teks recount.
1)        “Have you learned about recount text?”
2)        “Anybody knows what the recount text is?”

Ø Pemberian acuan     : Penjelasan materi secara global tentang materi teks recount
Ø Guru memotivasi siswa mengenai kegunaan materi teks recount

b.      Elaborasi :
a)      Kelas dibagi menjadi tujuh kelompok, setiap kelompok memiliki satu ketua
b)     Guru memberikan satu teks recount “My weekend in Grojogan Sewu” pada masing-masing kelompok
c)      Secara berkelompok, siswa menemukan topik teks “My weekend in Grojogan Sewu”
d)     Masing-masing ketua kelompok mengungkapkan jawaban dan ditanggapi oleh siswa lain dan guru.
e)      Secara berkelompok siswa menjawab 5 pertanyaan dengan informasi tertentu dari teks bacaan “My weekend in Grojogan Sewu”

f)       Siswa memeriksa jawaban bersama.
g)      Siswa bekerja secara kelompok untuk menentukan benar salah suatu pernyataan berdasarkan teks “My weekend in Grojogan Sewu.
h)     Siswa memeriksa jawaban bersama.
i)        Masih melalui diskusi kelompok yang sama, siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan dengan informasi tertentu dari teks bacaan My weekend in Grojogan Sewu.
j)       Siswa memeriksa jawaban bersama.
k)     Secara berkelompok, siswa menuliskan unsur generic structure teks bacaan pada tempat yang benar dari teks bacaan
l)        Siswa memeriksa jawaban bersama.
m)   Secara berkelompok menentukan  arti kata-kata sukar dari teks bacaan
n)     Siswa memeriksa jawaban bersama.
o)      Secara mandiri, siswa mengerjakan latihan berdasarkan teks ”Vacation to Surabaya”

c.       Konfirmasi            : Siswa dan guru membahas latihan tentang teks ”vacation to London” bersama
d.      Penutup
§  Siswa membuat kesimpulan tentang materi teks recount.
§  Guru menyampaikan kesimpulan dan memberikan                             penguatan tentang materi recount
§  Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah kepada siswa yakni menulis pengalaman pribadi pada saat berlibur

9.      Alat/Bahan/Sumber:                 
§  Alat                 :Teks recount
§  Bahan             : LKS dan buku teks
§  Sumber           :
-      Contextual teaching and learning Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs, Kelas VIII Edisi ke-4, 2008, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-      English in Focus for grade VIII Junior High School, 2008, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-       Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students, 2008, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-      Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambride UniversityPress.
-      Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of CurrentEnglish, Oxford University Press
10.  Penilaian
Soal           :           Membaca         :

Vacation to Surabaya
Last holiday, I went to Surabaya with my friend for vacation. We went there on a night bus.
When we arrived in Lamongan, the bus stopped at a small restaurant for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of ginger tea, and my friend drank some cold lemonade. Then I went to the toilet. It took only a few minutes.
When I came out again, the bus was not there. It had gone! My friend was not there too. Feeling shocked and confused, I asked a waitress about the bus. She said that the bus departed about five minutes ago.
I tried to call my friend on my cell-phone, but the battery was running low.
I could not do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! I got on the bus and walked to my seat.
I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn red.

A.    What does the story tell us?
B.     Answer the questions with the specific information based on the passages above!
1.        What did the writer do when the bus stop for rest in Lamongan?
2.        What did his friends do when the writer buy a cup of ginger tea?
3.        What did the writer feel when the bus is not there?
4.        Who said that the bus departed about five minutes ago?
5.        Did the bus come back to pick the writer?

C.     State T (True) or F(False) for the following statements based on the text!
1.         The writer went to Surabaya for business
2.         The bus stopped at a restaurant for a rest
3.         The writer bought some souvenirs around the restaurant
4.         The writer’s hand phone was low battery
5.          All of people on the bus were happy when the writer came to the bus
D.    Place the generic structure on the right paragraph of the text!
E.     Find out five difficult words then translate them into Bahasa Indonesia!
11.  Kunci jawaban                :
A.    Vacation to Surabaya
1.      The writer got off the bus to get a cup of ginger tea
2.      The writer’s friend drank some cold lemonade
3.      The writer felt shocked and confused
4.      The waitress
5.      Yes it did

C.     1. F       2. T        3. F      4.T        5. F

D.    1.Orientation,  2. event, 3. Reorientation
1.      vacation
2.      waitress
3.      departed
4.      ashamed
5.      lemonade
12.  Penskoran
A.    Benar = 1         Salah = 0
Nilai akhir = Jumlah benar x 10

B.     Benar = 1         Salah = 0
Nilai akhir = Jumlah benar x 2

C.     Benar = 1         Salah = 0
Nilai akhir = Jumlah benar x 2
D.    Benar 3                      : nilai 5
Benar 2                      : nilai 3
Benar 1                      : nilai 2
Benar 0                      : nilai 0
Nilai akhir = Skor yang didapat X 2                        

E.     Benar = 1         Salah = 0
Nilai akhir = Jumlah benar x 2


                                                                                    Kalirejo, 12 February 2013
Kepala Sekolah                                                                       Guru bidang studi

Elang Nuryanto                                                                       Eni Trimawati
NIP.                                                                                        NPM. 09050118

Lampiran 1
The Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense is used to describe the action in the past time. Past action can imply from hidden time in tense, but sometimes need times’ explanation to clear up  that action happened at past time:
- just now                    : baru saja
-yesterday                   : kemarin
-last night                    : tadi malam
-this morning               : tadi pagi
-two days ago             : dua hari yang lalu
-several years ago        : beberapa tahun yang lalu

Formula :         (+) S + V2 + O
                        (- ) S + did + not + V1 + O
                        (?) Did + S + V­1 + O
Examlpe :        (+) Peter bought this car last year.
                        (- ) Peter did not buy car last year.
                        (?) Did Peter buy car last year?
In positive sentence, the verb is changed into verb II (past). For example buy > bought.
In negative sentence in Simple Past Tense is made by adding did and not. Did is past form of do. Did and not often in short didn’t. In negative form, the verb does not change into verb II (past). It is almost same with interrogative form.

Lampiran 1
Materi Pembelajaran
Recount Text
My weekend in Grojogan Sewu
Hello, my name is Ilham. I want to share my experience. Last weekend, my friends and I went to Grojogan Sewu in Pringsewu. My friends are Akmal and Bagas.
We went there by public transportation. We left home at 09.00 am and arrived at 10.00 am. Arriving there we saw many people were swimming in the pool. They were so happy. My friends and I took a bottle of fresh tea. It was free. After that, we enjoyed the tea. Then, we swam in the pool. We swam with many people. There were children and teenagers. Some of them were with their parents. We were so excited there.
Finally, at 04.00 pm, we went home. Although my friends and I felt tired, we were very excited.
Question related to the text

A.    What does the story tell us?
B.     Answer the questions with the specific information based on the passages above!
1.        Who is the writer’s name of the text above?
2.        Where did Ilham and his friends go?
3.        Did they go by public transportation?
4.        How long did they enjoy the weekend?
5.        Did they swim with many people?

C.     State T (True) or F(False) for the following statements based on the text!
6.         Ilham and his friends went to Grojogan Sewu on Wednesday
7.         There were many people in the swimming pool
8.         Ilham and his friends ate meatball before swimming
9.         They were so happy there
10.      They went home at 05.00 pm
D.    Place the generic structure on the right paragraph of the text!
E.     Find out five difficult words then translate them into Bahasa Indonesia!
The recount text above tells about the writer’s weekend in an interesting place named Grojogan Sewu. It uses the simple past tense. The generic structure of recount text is:
1.      Orientation
2.      Events
3.      Re-orientation
Orientation is about the introduction of the characters or writer in the text. Events are something that happened in the story. The last re-orientation is the conclusion or ending of the story.

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