Senin, 25 Februari 2013



Nama Sekolah           : SMP Negeri 1 Kalirejo
Mata Pelajaran          : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester        : VIII C/II
Petemuan Ke             : I
Alokasi waktu            : 40 menit x 2

1.      Standar Kompetensi                  :Writing           : Mengungkapkan makna  dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

2.      Kompetensi Dasar                      :  Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima  untuk berinteraksi dengan lin gkungan sekitar berbentuk recount dan narrative
3.      Indikator             :Writing          : 
§  Mengelompokkan kalimat-kalimat yang termasuk dalam simple past tense berdasarkan teks recount yang diberikan tentang pengalaman seseorang
§  Melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan to be dalam bentuk past tense yang sesuai sehingga menjadi kalimat yang bermakna
§  Melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan verb dalam bentuk past tense yang sesuai sehingga menjadi kalimat yang bermakna
§  Mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat (dari positive kedalam bentuk negative dan interrogative, negative kedalam bentuk positive dan interrogative, dan interrogative kedalam positive dan negative) berdasarkan pola kalimat simple past tense with be
§  Mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat (dari positive kedalam bentuk negative dan interrogative, negative kedalam bentuk positive dan interrogative, dan interrogative kedalam positive dan negative) berdasarkan pola kalimat simple past tense with verb II

4.      Tujuan Pembelajaran: Writing : 
§  Secara berkelompok, melalui membaca teks recount tentang pengalaman seseorang, siswa dapat mengelompokkan kalimat-kalimat yang termasuk kedalam simple past tense
§  Melalui diskusi kelompok, siswa dapat melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan to be dalam bentuk past tense yang sesuai sehingga menjadi kalimat yang bermakna
§  Melalui diskusi kelompok, siswa mampu melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan verb dalam bentuk past tense (verb II) yang sesuai sehingga menjadi kalimat yang bermakna
§  Melalui diskusi kelompok, siswa mampu mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat (dari positive kedalam bentuk negative dan interrogative, negative kedalam bentuk positive dan interrogative, dan interrogative kedalam positive dan negative) berdasarkan pola kalimat simple past tense with be
§  Melalui diskusi kelompok, siswa mampu merubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat (dari positive kedalam bentuk negative dan interrogative, negative kedalam bentuk positive dan interrogative, dan interrogative kedalam positive dan negative) berdasarkan pola kalimat simple past tense with verb II
§  Secara mandiri siswa mampu mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat simple past tense with be dan verb II pada kalimat rumpang yang diberikan

5.      Nilai Karakter                            : Menghargai pendapat orang lain, percaya diri, dan mandiri

6.      Materi Pembelajaran: Writing   : 
1.      Teks Recount (terlampir)
2.      The Simple Past tense (terlampir)

7.      Metode Pembelajaran : Diskusi, demonstrasi, dan penugasan.

8.      Kegiatan Pembelajaran
a.      Eksplorasi :
Ø Orientasi                  : Guru menunjukkan sebuah surat yang berisi tentang pengalaman seseorang, lalu bertanya kepada siswa.
1)      “Have you ever received a letter from your friend?”
2)      “Is it about her/his experience?
3)      “Do you know, what is the tense that is used to express your experience?”
Lalu guru menjelaskan sekilas tentang surat yang ditunjukkan kepada siswa. “Well, I have a letter. It is from Dio to Bertha. In his letter, Dio told his experience when he goes to market with his sister”.

Ø Apersepsi                : Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang materi simple past tense.
1)        “Have you learned about simple past tense?”
2)        “Anybody knows what the simple past tense is?”

Ø Pemberian acuan     : Penjelasan materi secara global tentang materi simple past tense
Ø Guru memotivasi siswa mengenai kegunaan materi simple past tense

b.      Elaborasi :
§  Dengan menghargai pendapat orang lain, siswa secara berkelompok, mengelompokkan kalimat-kalimat yang termasuk kedalam bentuk simple past tense berdasarkan sebuah teks recount yang diberikan oleh guru dalam bentuk surat

§  Dengan penuh rasa percaya diri, masing-masing ketua kelompok menuliskan di papan tulis satu kalimat bentuk simple past tense yang ditemukan, lalu ditanggapi oleh kelompok lain dan guru.

§  Dengan menghargai pendapat orang lain, siswa secara berkelompok berdiskusi untuk dapat melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan to be dalam bentuk past tense (was dan were) yang sesuai sehingga menjadi kalimat yang bermakna

§  Dengan penuh rasa percaya diri, masing-masing perwakilan kelompok adu kecepatan untuk menuliskan jawaban melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan to be di papan tulis, lalu ditanggapi oleh kelompok lain dan guru.

§  Dengan menghargai pendapat orang lain, siswa secara berkelompok berdiskusi untuk dapat melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan verb II (contoh: drove, washed, dan saw) yang sesuai sehingga menjadi kalimat yang bermakna
§  Dengan penuh rasa percaya diri, masing-masing perwakilan kelompok adu kecepatan untuk menuliskan jawaban melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan verb II di papan tulis, lalu ditanggapi oleh kelompok lain dan guru.

§  Dengan menghargai pendapat orang lain, siswa secara berkelompok berdiskusi untuk dapat mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat (dari positive kedalam bentuk negative dan interrogative, negative kedalam bentuk positive dan interrogative, dan interrogative kedalam positive dan negative) berdasarkan pola kalimat simple past tense with be (was dan were)

§  Dengan penuh rasa percaya diri, masing-masing perwakilan kelompok adu kecepatan untuk menuliskan jawaban mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat di papan tulis, lalu ditanggapi oleh kelompok lain dan guru.

§  Dengan menghargai pendapat orang lain, siswa secara berkelompok berdiskusi untuk dapat mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat (dari positive kedalam bentuk negative dan interrogative, negative kedalam bentuk positive dan interrogative, dan interrogative kedalam positive dan negative) berdasarkan pola kalimat simple past tense with verb II (contoh: drove, washed, dan saw)

§  Dengan penuh rasa percaya diri, masing-masing perwakilan kelompok adu kecepatan untuk menuliskan jawaban mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat di papan tulis, lalu ditanggapi oleh kelompok lain dan guru.

§  Secara mandiri, siswa melengkapi kalimat rumpang dan mengubah bentuk kalimat simple past tense pada lembar kerja siswa.

c.       Konfirmasi            :
§  Secara bergantian, masing-masing perwakilan kelompok menuliskan pola simple past tense, lalu guru menanggapi jawaban para siswa
§  Guru menyampaikan kesimpulan dan memberikan                             penguatan tentang materi simple past tense.
§  Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah kepada siswa yakni mencari teks berbentuk recount lalu siswa menuliskan sepuluh kalimat berbentuk simple past tense berdasarkan teks yang ditemukan, lalu mengubah bentuk - bentuk kalimat tersebut (baik dari positive kedalam bentuk negative dan interrogative, negative kedalam bentuk positive dan interrogative, dan interrogative kedalam positive dan negative).
9.      Alat/Bahan/Sumber:                 
§  Alat                 :Teks recount dalam bentuk surat
§  Bahan             : LKS dan buku teks
§  Sumber           :
-      Contextual teaching and learning Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs, Kelas VIII Edisi ke-4, 2008, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-      English in Focus for grade VIII Junior High School, 2008, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-       Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students, 2008, Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-      Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambride UniversityPress.
-      Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of CurrentEnglish, Oxford University Press

10.  Penilaian
Menulis      :     
a.      Indikator 1:
Read the letter, then, find out the sentences that use simple past tense form!

Dear Bertha,
How are you? I hope you are okay. Bertha, I want to share my experience to you.

Last Sunday, my sister and I went to the market.

Sarah bought a pencil case. It was so beautiful. It was not expensive. It was only Rp. 8.000,-.

I wanted to buy a diary book there. The shopkeeper showed me two books. They were so beautiful. They also were not expensive. Both of them were only Rp. 10.000,-. I chose the brown book. It was more beautiful than the black one.

Finally, after buying pencil case and diary book, we went home. We were happy.

                                                                                          Your friend,

b.      Indikator 2 :
Fill the blank of the sentences bellow with was or were!
1)      I … a pilot
2)      She … a chef
3)      They … so sad
4)      Victor … very kind
5)      We … in the classroom
6)      It … very pretty
7)      You … so ugly
c.       Indikator 3 :
Fill the blank of the sentences with verb in the box bellow!
Text Box: a. Went b. Washed c. Read d. Drove e. Sang f. Drew  g. Made

1)      I … to the market
2)      My mother … the clothes
3)      Gwen … a magazine
4)      My father … a car
5)      Linda and Amir … a song
6)      We … a picture
7)      You ... orange juice

d.      Indikator 4 :
Change these sentences into positive, negative, or interrogative!
1)      (+) You were cute
(-)  ……………………...
(?) ………………………

2)      (+) The books were cheap
(-) ………………………
(?) ……………………...

3)      (+) It was so cold
(-) ………………………
(?) ………………………

4)      (+) ……………………...
(-) My brother was not handsome
(?) ………………………

5)      (+) ………………………
(-) They were not rich
(?) ……………………....

6)      (+) ………………………
(-) ……………………….
(?) Was Meta cute?
7)      (+) ……………………….
(-)  ……………………….
(?) Were we happy?

e.       Indikator 5 :
Change these sentences into positive, negative, or interrogative!
1)      (+) You took a bag
(-)  You did not ………...
(?) Did you……………...

2)      (+) They made a cake
(-) ………………………
(?) ……………………...

3)      (+) Martha saw a cat
(-) ………………………
(?) ………………………

4)      (+) ……………………...
(-) My friend did not sit on the bench
(?) ………………………

5)      (+) ………………………
(-) Alan and Ayla did not go to the library
(?) ……………………....

6)      (+) ………………………
(-) ……………………….
(?) Did you want a hand phone?

7)      (+) ……………………….
(-)  ……………………….
(?) Did he cut his hair?

f.       Indikator 6 :
Exercise: Change these sentences into positive, negative or interrogative!
1.      (+) She was a stewardess
(-) She was not……………………………………
(?) Was she………………………………………

2.      (+) You were a talkative boy
(-) …………………………………………………

3.      (+) Galant was crazy about cartoon
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………

4.      (+) …………………………………………………
(-)  I was not a programmer
(?) …………………………………………………

5.      (+) ………………………………………………....
(-)  …………………………………………………
(?)  Were we smart students?

Exercise: Change these sentences into positive, negative or interrogative!
1.      (+) You wrote a recount text last night
(-)  You did not write…………………………………..
(?)  Did you write ……………………………………...

2.      (+) He closed the door
(-) ………………………………………………………
(?) ………………………………………………………

3.      (+) They ate meatball in Saung Kuring last Sunday
(-) ……………………………………………………….
(?) ……………………………………………………….

4.      (+) ……………………………………………………….
(-)  My brother did not buy a new bag
(?) ……………………………………………………….

5.      (+) ………………………………………………………
(-)  ………………………………………………………
(?)  Did Bayu send a message to Savira?
g.      Kunci Jawaban :
a.      Indikator 1:
1.      Last Sunday, my sister and I went to the market.
2.      Sarah bought a pencil case.
3.      It was so beautiful.
4.      It was not expensive.
5.      It was only Rp. 8.000,-.
6.      I wanted to buy a diary book there.
7.      The shopkeeper showed me two books.
8.      They were so beautiful.
9.      They also were not expensive.
10.  Both of them were only Rp. 10.000,-.
11.  I chose the brown book.
12.   It was more beautiful than the black one.
13.  Finally, after buying pencil case and diary book, we went home.
14.  We were happy.

b.      Indikator 2 :
1)    I was a pilot
2)    She was a chef
3)    They were so sad
4)    Victor was very kind
5)    We were in the classroom
6)    It was very pretty
7)    You were so ugly

c.       Indikator 3 :
1)      I went to the market
2)      My mother washed the clothes
3)      Gwen read a magazine
4)      My father drove a car
5)      Linda and Amir sang a song
6)      We drew a picture
7)      You made orange juice

d.      Indikator 4 :
1)      (-)  You were not cute
(?) Were you cute?

2)      (-) The books were not cheap
(?) Were the books cheap?

3)      (-) It was not so cold
(?) Was it so cold?

4)      (+) My brother was handsome
(?) Was my brother handsome?

5)      (+) They were rich
(?) Were they rich?

6)      (+) Meta was cute
(-)  Meta was not cute

7)      (+) We were happy
(-)  We were not happy

e.       Indikator 5 :
1)       (-)  You did not take a bag
(?) Did you take a bag?

2)      (-) They did not make a cake
(?) Did they make a cake?

3)      (-) Martha did not see a cat
(?) Did Martha see a cat?

4)      (+) My friend sat on the bench
(?) Did my friend sit on the bench?

5)      (+) Alan and Ayla went to the library
(?) Did Alan and Ayla go to the library?

6)      (+) You wanted a hand phone
(-) You did not want a hand phone
7)      (+) He cut his hair
(-)  He did not cut his hair

f.       Indikator 6 :
Exercise: Change these sentences into positive, negative or interrogative!
1.      (+) She was a stewardess
(-) She was not a stewardess
(?) Was she a stewardess?

2.      (+) You were a talkative boy
(-) You were not a talkative boy
(?)Were you a talkative boy?

3.      (+) Galant was crazy about cartoon
(-) Galant was not crazy about cartoon
(?) Was Galant crazy about cartoon?

4.      (+) I was a programmer
(-)  I was not a programmer
(?) Was I a programmer?

5.      (+) We were smart students
(-)  We were not smart students
(?)  Were we smart students?

Exercise: Change these sentences into positive, negative or interrogative!
1.      (+) You wrote a recount text last night
(-)  You did not write a recount text last night
(?)  Did you write a recount text last night?

2.      (+) He closed the door
(-)He did not close the door
(?) Did he close the door?

3.      (+) They ate meatball in Saung Kuring last Sunday
(-)They did not eat meatball in Saung Kuring last Sunday
(?)Did they eat meatball in Saung Kuring last Sunday?

4.      (+)My brother bought a new bag
(-)  My brother did not buy a new bag
(?) Did my brother buy a new bag?

5.      (+)Bayu sent a message to Savira
(-) Bayu did not send a message to Savira
(?)  Did Bayu send a message to Savira?                                           

Ø  Penskoran
a.       Indikator 1:
Benar = 1              Salah= 0
Nilai Akhir = jumlah benar : 14 x 100
b.      Indikator 2:
Benar = 1              Salah= 0
Nilai Akhir = jumlah benar : 7 x 100
c.       Indikator 3:
Benar = 1              Salah = 0
Nilai Akhir = jumlah benar : 7 x 100
d.      Indikator 4:
Benar = 1              Salah = 0
Nilai Akhir  = jumlah benar : 7 x 100
e.       Indikator 5:
Benar = 1              Salah = 0
Nilai Akhir  = jumlah benar : 7 x 100
f.       Indikator 6:
Nilai akhir = jumlah benar x 10


                                                                                    Kalirejo, 14 February 2013
                                                                                                Guru bidang studi

                                                                                                 Eni Trimawati
                                                                                                NPM. 09050118


Recount Text
Dear Bertha,
How are you? I hope you are okay. Bertha, I want to share my experience to you.

Last Sunday, my sister and I went to the market.

Sarah bought a pencil case. It was so beautiful. It was not expensive. It was only Rp. 8.000,-.

I wanted to buy a diary book there. The shopkeeper showed me two books. They were so beautiful. They also were not expensive. Both of them were only Rp. 10.000,-. I chose the brown book. It was more beautiful than the black one.

Finally, after buying pencil case and diary book, we went home. We were happy.

                                                                                          Your friend,

This tense is used to state something that happened/occurred in the past time.
1.      The simple past tense with be (was and were)
a.      (+) I was a singer
(-) I was not a singer
(?) Was I a singer?

b.      (+) They were in the classroom
(-) They were not in the classroom
(?) Were they in the classroom

2.      The simple past tense with verb II (did, went, slept, etc)
a.      (+) Sheila took five pens
(-) Sheila did not take five pens
(?) Did Sheila take five pens?

b.      (+) Titha and Ayla sat on the bench yesterday
(-) Titha and Ayla did not sit on the bench yesterday
(?) Did Titha and Ayla sit on the bench yesterday?

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